Below you will find a list of my academic publications. You can also visit my Google Scholar profile.
Doctoral thesis:
✎ Gómez-Miralles. Forensic imaging and analysis of Apple iOS devices. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2016.
Book chapters:
✎ Gómez-Miralles, Arnedo-Moreno. Hardening iOS devices against remote forensic investigation. In: Security and resilience in intelligent data-centric systems and communication networks. Academic Press, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811373-8.00012-4.
Journal papers:
✎ Gómez-Miralles, Arnedo-Moreno. AirPrint Forensics: Recovering the contents and metadata of printed documents from iOS devices. Mobile Information Systems, Volume 2015, Article ID 916262, 10 pages, 2015. DOI: 10.1155/2015/916262.
✎ Gómez-Miralles, Arnedo-Moreno. Versatile iPad forensic acquisition using the Apple Camera Connection Kit. Computers And Mathematics With Applications, Volume 63, Issue 2, 2012, pp.544-553. DOI: 10.1016/J.CAMWA.2011.09.053.
Conference papers:
✎ Gómez-Miralles, Arnedo-Moreno. Lockup: a software tool to harden iOS by disabling default Lockdown services. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2015, pp. 718-723. DOI: 10.1109/3PGCIC.2015.57. [Get the slides here]
✎ Gómez-Miralles, Arnedo-Moreno. Analysis of the forensic traces left by AirPrint in Apple iOS devices. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2013, pp. 703-708. DOI: 10.1109/WAINA.2013.40. [Get the slides here]
✎ [IMIS-2011 Best Paper Award] Gómez-Miralles, Arnedo-Moreno. Universal, fast method for iPad forensics imaging via USB adapter. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2011, pp. 200-207. DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2011.41. [Get the slides here]
Other stuff:
✎ Attended: SANS FOR508: Advanced Incident Response, Threat Hunting, and Digital Forensics, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2024.
✎ Participated: SANS Cyber Defense NetWars, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2024. 3rd position in the individual category.
✎ Attended: UNICC Common Secure Conference, Valencia (Spain), 2023.
✎ Attended: RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2023.
✎ Attended: UNICC Common Secure Conference, Valencia (Spain), 2022.
✎ Attended: RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2022.
✎ Attended: RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2019.
✎ Attended: LaCon. Valencia (Spain), 2019.
✎ Attended: RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2017.
✎ Attended: RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2016.
✎ Panel: Sé lo que hicisteis la última quedada. RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2015. With: Abel Valero, Vins Vilaplana, Ramón Martínez “rampa" and Antonio Pablo Ubieto, led by Román Ramírez.
✎ Poster: Hardening iOS by selectively disabling lockdown services. Digital Forensics Research Conference Europe (DFRWS EU). Dublin (Ireland), 2015.
✎ Attended: RootedCON Valencia (Spain), 2014.
✎ Poster: Forensic Imaging and Analysis of Apple iOS Devices. First UOC International Research Symposium. Barcelona (Spain), 2013. We were invited to present our research in a 3-minute flash presentation, available in video here.
✎ Presentation: iPad forensic data acquisition: Grasping into the black box. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona (Spain), 2012.
✎ Attended: NoConName. Barcelona (Spain), 2011.
✎ Attended: NoConName. Barcelona (Spain), 2010.
✎ Attended: 6º Foro de las Evidencias Electrónicas (6th Forum on Electronic Evidence). Madrid (Spain), 2009.
✎ Conference paper: La planificación en la respuesta a incidentes (Planning for incident response). Libro de Ponencias de Mundo Internet 2005 (X Congreso de Internet, Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información), I, pp. 644-648. Dep. legal M-14863-2005, Spain.
✎ Attended: 15th TERENA TF-CSIRT meeting. Zurich (Switzerland), 2005.
✎ Attended: Jornada de Análisis Forense de RedIRIS (RedIRIS Forensics Analysis workshop). Madrid (Spain), 2005.
✎ Lecture: Planning post-mortem analysis of compromised systems. Internet Global Congress. Barcelona (Spain), 2004.
✎ Workshop taught: Técnicas forenses en seguridad informática (Forensic technologies in computer security). Jornadas Técnicas de Seguridad Informática CriptoRed. Salamanca (Spain), 2004.
✎ Lecture: Análisis forense: nuevas tendencias en adquisición de datos; validez de la evidencia digital (Forensic analysis: new trends in data acquisition; soundness of digital evidence). NoConName. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 2004.
✎ Participated: Reto Análisis Forense de RedIRIS (RedIRIS challenge on Forensic Analysis) with my colleague Albert Puigsech. Our submission can be seen here. 2004.
✎ Lecture: Análisis forense de sistemas comprometidos (Forensic Analysis of Compromised Systems). UnderCon 0x07. Murcia (Spain), 2003.
✎ Attended: NoConName. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 2003.
✎ Attended: UnderCon 0x06. Murcia (Spain), 2002.
✎ Attended: UnderCon 0x05. Murcia (Spain), 2001.